Our client was charged with trafficking a commercial quantity of the drug 1,4 butanediol. Police searched her home and located several bottles of the drug in a safe. After analysis the drugs were found to weigh 2.1kg, a commercial quantity is 2kg. A finding of guilt for that charge would have to be heard in […]
Our client was charged with exceeding the speed limit by 45 km/h or more, on a finding of guilt he faced a mandatory minimum of 12 months license loss. Police alleged they had detected him on a radar travelling at 135km/h in an 80km/h zone. Our client admitted he was speeding but not going that […]
Our client had been charged and remanded in custody with arson, burglary and numerous other offences. He also was in breach of a Community Corrections Order and had a significant criminal history. A lot of our clients offending was due to a serious drug addiction. Through our connections with a residential drug & alcohol rehabilitation […]